Tips, Tools & Secrets For Educators

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Extended Magazine Edition 1:

Incorporating Sound & Music Into Early Learning

From fostering creativity and self-expression to promoting language skills and cultural understanding, the benefits of incorporating music into our programs this way are many and varied. But I understand that sometimes we just need a little inspiration to expand on what we’ve always done before, so in this week’s newsletter, I'm sharing a few ideas and tips to help you get started.

Extended Magazine Edition 2:

How To Create Opportunities For Open Ended Play

Using a bit of common sense and a few creative strategies to overcome the challenges, you’ll find the open ended play approach a very useful way to support learning outcomes across various frameworks, including EYFS, EYLF, Te Whāriki, and ELOF.

But what exactly is open-ended play, and how can we incorporate it into our early learning environments? Let's start by breaking down the basics…

Extended Magazine Edition 3:

Supporting Emotional Intelligence & Regulation

In this edition, we're expanding on our exploration of "Nurturing Emotional Intelligence in Early Childhood: Tools and Strategies for Every Age". While the regular Tips, Tools & Secrets newsletter provided a solid foundation, in the magazine this week we’re going to delve even further, giving you additional suggestions, practical strategies, AI tips, and reflective practice opportunities to strengthen your planning and interactions in supporting children's emotional regulation.

What will you find in this extended version of the newsletter?

  • Framework Connections: We'll link our emotional regulation activities and strategies to learning outcomes from EYLF, EYFS, ELOF, and Te Whāriki.
  • Inclusion and Diversity: Explore strategies and learning environment ideas that will promote inclusive emotional regulation support - no matter your early childhood setting.
  • Reflective Practice: I share some additional critical reflections style questions to deepen your understanding and use of the emotional regulation strategies given throughout this magazine resource.

Extended Magazine Edition 4:

Make Documentation Easier & More Meaningful

In this edition, In this edition, we're diving deeper into our exploration of "Playful Assessment: Making Documentation Easier and More Meaningful". While our regular Tips, Tools & Secrets newsletter laid the groundwork, the information in this extended edition magazine will strengthen your documentation skills by giving you a wealth of additional strategies, reflective opportunities, and creative ideas to reimagine and simplify your approach to capturing children's early learning journeys.

What will you find in this extended version of the newsletter?

AI Collaboration Tips & Prompts:

Copy my detailed, fill-in-the-blank prompt templates to help you chat with AI tools like Claude. These prompts will support you in creating more meaningful observations, learning stories, and family communications.

Keep It Simple Mentor Moment:

I’m going to make one of the trickiest parts of documentation: analysing learning, easier for you. Many of us find it challenging to move beyond simply describing what children do (observing)to really unpacking the learning that's taking place (analysing and evaluating). I break it down and give you actionable tips you can use to ‘Keep it Simple’

Inclusion and Diversity:

Try these simple strategies to ensure your documentation practices are inclusive and celebrate the diversity within your early childhood setting.

Age-Specific Documentation Activities:

A collection of ideas for involving children of all ages in the documentation process, from babies to school-age children.

Lightbulb Learning Moment:

I discuss the how incorporating 'I wonder...' statements in your documentation can dramatically improve its usefulness and share examples for all age groups

Reflective Practice:

Engage with thought-provoking questions designed to deepen your understanding and use of the documentation strategies shared throughout the newsletter and flipbook.

Extended Magazine Edition 5:

Creating Opportunities For Outdoor Learning

In this edition, we're popping on the hats and heading outdoors to explore how we can "Create Opportunities for Playful Outdoor Learning."

While Wednesday's Tips, Tools & Secrets newsletter gave you inspiration for what’s possible with our outdoor planning and environment setup, this extended edition is here to help you take action that will help you reinvigorate your outdoor space into an engaging, inquiry-led early learning environment.

I've included something special in this edition of the flipbook for you, can you find it?

What else will you find in this extended version of the newsletter?

AI Collaboration Tips & Prompts:

Copy my detailed, fill-in-the-blank prompt templates to help you chat with AI tools like Claude and the Empowered Ed AI Assistants including ‘Olive Outdoors’. These prompts will support you in planning creative outdoor activities, implementing sustainable practices, and documenting outdoor learning experiences.

Keep It Simple Mentor Moment:

In this section we're tackling one of the trickiest parts of outdoor learning - observing and analysing learning as it happens in nature. I'll break it down and give you actionable tips to spot those more meaningful moments, from problem-solving puddle crossings to stick-based engineering feats.

Inclusion and Diversity:

Discover simple ways to ensure your outdoor spaces are accessible, culturally rich, and welcoming to all children. Because outdoor play and nature should be for everyone!

Age-Specific Documentation Activities:

A huge collection of outdoor learning ideas for all ages, from sensory explorations for babies to eco-friendly art installations for school-age children. Each activity comes with skills fostered and easy implementation tips.

Lightbulb Learning Moment:

Learn how to create sustainable outdoor spaces on a shoestring budget. We'll cover everything from assessing your space to upcycling everyday items into learning tools.

Framework Connections:

See how outdoor learning aligns with some of the core early childhood frameworks like EYLF, EYFS, Te Whāriki, and ELOF. Because yes, that muddy footprint over on the log is meeting learning outcomes!

Reflective Practice:

Engage with thought-provoking questions designed to deepen your understanding and use of outdoor learning strategies. It's time to reflect on your outdoor space's potential!